Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Hygiene und Öffentliche Gesundheit
GeoHealth Centre
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(Klick auf die Jahreszahl öffnet die Liste)
Falkenberg T (2024): Integrationsmedium Wasser, Geographische Rundschau 9: 34-37
Felappi J F, Sommer J H, Falkenberg T, Terlau W, Kötter T (2024): Urban park qualities driving visitors mental well-being and wildlife conservation in a Neotropical megacity, Scientific Reports 14: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55357-2
Geiselhart K, Damm M, Jeske N, Knappmann A, Nasser G P, Roth L F, Unkels R, Winkler A S, Wolf J, Falkenberg T (2024): Sufficiency health-wise: sustainable paths towards planetary and public health, Frontiers Public Health 12: DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1497657
Paris J M G, Lima E M F, Finger J d A F F, Isidorio W R, Heinzel C, Falkenberg T, Borgemeister C, Pinto U M, Nöthlings U (2024): Changes in eating habits and lifestyle during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic across metropolitan regions in Brazil and Germany: A survey-based cross-sectional study, Food Science & Nutrition, 00, 1-16: https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.3960
Paris J M G, Escobar N, Falkenberg T, Gupta S, Heinzel C, Junior E V, Jolliet O, Borgemeister C, Nöthlings U (2024): Optimised diets for achieving One Health: A pilot study in the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolis in Germany, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 106(3):107529: DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2024.107529
Yasobant S, Bhavsar P, Patil S, Lekha K S, Tadvi R, Mishra S, Falkenberg T, Bhardwaj P, Syed Z Q, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D (2024): One Health System Strengthening in India (OHSSIN): Learnings on Whole Systems Approach in Translating the One Health Approach into Action, One Health Cases: https://doi.org/10.1079/onehealthcases.2024.0008
Yasobant S, Bhavsar P, Lekha K S, Patil S, Falkenberg T, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D (2024): One Health Risk and Disease (OHRAD): a tool to prioritise the risks for epidemic-prone diseases from One Health perspective, Global Health Research and Policy: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41256-024-00359-w
Yasobant S, Lekha K S, Patil S, Bhavsar P, Tadvi R, Patel K, Falkenberg T, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D (2024): Prioritisation of emerging and epidemic‑prone diseases and risk factors in India’s three western states using the One Health Risk and Disease (OHRAD) prioritisation tool, Discover Public Health 21(29), 29: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12982-024-00152-7
Butsch C, Falkenberg T, Timm C, Anthonj C, Heinkel S-B, Kistemann T, Schmiege D (2023): Ethikprüfung in der Geographie - Ergebnisse der Mitgliederbefragung und Einladung zum Panel im Rahmen des DKG, Rundbrief Geographie 304: 17-20
Butsch C, Falkenberg T, Kuch U, Polidori M C, Geiselhart K, Thomas S, Matthys S, Schmiege D, Wirsching M, Winter R, Vosper A, Kabisch N, Leetz A, Krämer A (2023): Policy Brief Urban Health, Global Health Hub Germany: https://www.globalhealthhub.de/de/news/detail/policy-brief-urban-health
Escobar N, Falkenberg T, Gupta S, Heinzel C, Junior E V, Jolliet O, Borgemeister C, Nöthlings U, Paris J M G (2023): Optimised diets for improving human, animal, and environmental health in the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolis in Germany, Research Square: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2837556/v1
Falkenberg T, Wasser F, Zacharias N, Mutters N, Kistemann T (2023): Effect of portable HEPA filters on COVID-19 period prevalence: an observational quasi-interventional study in German kindergartens , BMJ Open 13: DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072284
Falkenberg T, Schmiege D (2023): Integrated Health Approaches—One Health and Planetary Health, In: Kraemer, A., Medzech, M. (Hrsg.): Covid-19 pandisziplinär und international. Medizin, Kultur, Gesellschaft. Springer, Wiesbaden: 109-125: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-40525-0_6
Kuhn E, Henke O, Evang E, Falkenberg T, Bruchhausen W, Schulz A (2023): Silent Triage: Public Health decision-making beyond prioritisation, BMJ Global Health: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2022-011376
Kalpana P, Falkenberg T, Yasobant S, Saxena D, Schreiber C (2023): Vegetables as a vehicle for antimicrobial resistance (vAMR): An agroecosystem exploration from the One Health perspective in India, F1000Research 12(316): DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.131679.1
Nana A S, Falkenberg T, Rechenburg A, Ntajal J, Kamau J W, Ayo A, Borgemeister C (2023): Seasonal variation and risks of potentially toxic elements in agricultural lowlands of central Cameroon, Environmental Geochemistry and Health: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-022-01473-9
Rezai N, Saghazadeh A, Jraifi A, Siani A, Arredondo A M P, Onoja A B, Hamada A, Darouichi A, Son B W K, Casais B, Zhou B, Paital B, Cremonini C, Lucatero C R, Liew C, Bales C W, Tartaglia D, Schmiege D, Munguia-Izquierdo D, Anugwom E E, Naumova E N, Cicuttin E, Coccolini F, Samanta G P, Young G, Martinez-Perez G Z, Kadan G, Kipruto H, Elmouki I, Asamani J A, Bueno-Antequera J, Felappi J F, Proenca J F, Stone J, Gottlieb J, Ntajal J, Paris J M G, Nabyonga-Orem J, Das K, Starr K N P, Anugwom K N, Njabo K Y, Patel K, Zhong L, Pattanaik M, Miller M G, Chiarugi M, Hartwick M A, Savi M K, Yoshikawa M J, Sharif N, Aral N, Rahyani N K Y, Mitchell N S, Simpson R B, Yasobant S, Saha S, Cuschieri S, Liang S, Dey S K, Grech S, Sinha T, Falkenberg T, Wiwanitkit V, Jiang X (2023): Integrated Science of Global Epidemics 2050, In: Rezaei, N. (Hrsg.): Integrated Science of Global Epidemics. Integrated Science, Vol 14, 587-607 Springer, Cham: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-17778-1_28
Yasobant S, Arredondo A M P, Felappi J F, Ntajal J, Paris J M G, Patel K, Savi M K, Schmiege D, Falkenberg T (2023): One Health as an Integrated Approach: Perspectives from Public Services for Mitigation of Future Epidemics , In: Rezaei, N. (Hrsg.): Integrated Science of Global Epidemics. Integrated Science, Vol. 14., 47-72, Springer, Cham: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17778-1
Yasobant S, Memon F, Falkenberg T, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D (2023): One Health Operationalisation in a Local Health System: Learnings from an Urban City of India, Ahmedabad, One Health Cases: https://doi.org/10.1079/onehealthcases.2023.0006
Brückner A, Falkenberg T, Heinzel C, Kistemann T (2022): The Regeneration of Urban Blue Spaces: A Public Health Intervention? Reviewing the Evidence, Frontiers in Public Health 9: 782101: DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.782101
Falkenberg T, Schmiege D, Zacharias N (2022): Spatial Dimensions of One Health - the Example of Antibiotic Resistance, In: Kistemann, T., Schweikart, J. (Hrsg.): Geographische Gesundheitsforschung Shaker Düren (6): 129-143
Falkenberg T, Ekesi S, Borgemeister C (2022): Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and One Health – A call for action to integrate, Current Opinion in Insect Science: DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2022.100960
Falkenberg T, Paris J M G, Patel K, Arredondo A M P, Schmiege D, Yasobant S (2022): Operationalizing the One Health Approach in a Context of Urban Transformations, In: Gatzweiler, F.W. (Hrsg.) Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme, Springer, Singapore: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2523-8_14
Nana A S, Falkenberg T, Rechenburg A, Adong A, Ayo A, Nbendah P, Borgemeister C (2022): Farming Practices and Disease Prevalence among Urban Lowland Farmers in Cameroon, Central Africa, Agriculture 12(2): https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12020230
Ntajal J, Höllermann B, Falkenberg T, Kistemann T, Evers M (2022): Water and Health Nexus—Land Use Dynamics, Flooding, and Water-Borne Diseases in the Odaw River Basin, Ghana, Water 14: 461: https://doi.org/10.3390/w14030461
Paris J M G, Falkenberg T, Nöthlings U, Heinzel C, Borgemeister C, Escobar N (2022): Changing dietary patterns is necessary to improve the sustainability of Western diets from a One Health perspective, Science of The Total Environment 811: DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151437
Schmiege D, Falkenberg T, Moebus S, Kistemann T, Evers M (2022): Associations between socio-spatially different urban areas and knowledge, attitudes, practices and antibiotic use: A cross-sectional study in the Ruhr Metropolis, Germany, PLoS ONE 17(3): e0265204: https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0265204
Arredondo A M P, Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Bender K, Falkenberg T (2021): Intersectoral collaboration shaping One Health in the policy agenda: A comparative analysis of Ghana and India, One Health 13: 100272: DOI10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100272
Brückner A, Falkenberg T, Kasturirangan U, Kistemann T (2021): Photovoice for enhanced healthy blue space research: an example of use from urban India, Cities & Health: DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2021.1917967
Ntajal J, Evers M, Kistemann T, Falkenberg T (2021): Influence of human–surface water interactions on the transmission of urinary schistosomiasis in the Lower Densu River basin, Ghana , Social Science and Medicine 288: DOI10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113546
Perez Arredondo A M, Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Bender K, Falkenberg T (2021): Intersectoral collaboration shaping One Health in the policy agenda: A comparative analysis of Ghana and India, One Health: DOI:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100272
Schmiege D, Zacharias N, Sib E, Falkenberg T, Moebus S, Evers M, Kistemann T (2021): Prevalence of multidrug-resistant and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in urban community wastewater, Science of The Total Environment: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147269
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Memon F Z, Falkenberg T (2021): Health System Contact and Awareness of Zoonotic Diseases: Can it Serve as One Health Entry Point in the Urban Community of Ahmedabad, India?, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 94:.259-269
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Memon F Z, Falkenberg T (2021): Who could be One Health Activist at the community level?: A case for India, Human Resources for Health 19(1): DOI: 10.1186/s12960-021-00558-3
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Falkenberg T (2021): Systemic factors for enhancing intersectoral collaboration for the operationalization of One Health: a case study in India, Health Research Policy and Systems: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-021-00727-9
Felappi J F, Sommer J H, Falkenberg T, Terlau W, Kötter T (2020): Green infrastructure through the lens of “One Health”: A systematic review and integrative framework uncovering synergies and trade-offs between mental health and wildlife support in cities, Science of The Total Environment: DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141589
Ntajal J, Falkenberg T, Kistemann T, Evers M (2020): Influences of Land-Use Dynamics and Surface Water Systems Interactions on Water-Related Infectious Diseases—A Systematic Review , Water 12(3): 631: doi.org/10.3390/w12030631
Schmiege D, Arredondo A M P, Ntajal J, Paris J M G, Savi M K, Patel K, Yasobant S, Falkenberg T (2020): One Health in the context of coronavirus outbreaks: A systematic literature review, One Health 10: 100170, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100170
Schmiege D, Evers M, Kistemann T, Falkenberg T (2020): What drives antibiotic use in the community? A systematic review of determinants in the human outpatient sector, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 226: DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113497
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Memon F Z, Falkenberg T (2020): Who could be One Health Activist at the community level?: A case for India, Research Square: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-76084/v1
Yasobant S, Patel K, Saxena D, Falkenberg T (2020): COVID-19 in India: Making a Case for the One Health Surveillance System, Indian Journal of Public Health 64(S):135-138
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Falkenberg T (2020): 'One Health' Actors in Multifaceted Health Systems: An Operational Case for India, Healthcare 8(4): 387, https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040387
Anthonj C, Falkenberg T (2019): Thirst World? Linking water and health in the context of development, In: Foley, R., Kearns, R., Kistemann, T., Wheeler, B. (Hrsg.): Blue Space, Health and Wellbeing: Hydrophilia Unbounded, London: 167-189
Yasobant S, Saxena D, Bruchhausen W, Memon FJ, Falkenberg T (2019): Multi-sectoral prioritization of zoonotic diseases: One health perspective from Ahmedabad, India, PLOS ONE 14(7): DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220152
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Falkenberg T (2019): One health collaboration for a resilient health system in India: Learnings from global initiatives, One Health 8: 100096 doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2019.100096
Falkenberg T, Kistemann T (2018): Wasser – Gesundheitsressource und Krankheitsquelle , Geographische Rundschau 1-2: 32-37
Falkenberg T, Saxena D (2018): Impact of wastewater-irrigated urban agriculture on diarrhea incidence in Ahmedabad, India, Indian Journal of Community Medicine 43(2): 102-106
Falkenberg T, Saxena D, Kistemann T (2018): Impact of wastewater-irrigation on in-household water contamination. A cohort study among urban farmers in Ahmedabad, India, Science of The Total Environment 639: 988-996
Yasobant S, Bruchhausen W, Saxena D, Falkenberg T (2018): Convergence model for effectual prevention and control of zoonotic diseases: a health system study on 'One Health' approach in Ahmedabad, India, Health Research Policy and Systems 16(1): 124ff
Falkenberg T (2016): WASH and Wastewater-Irrigated Urban Agriculture in Ahmedabad, India, WHO CC Newsletter Water & Risk 24: 4-7