Aktuelle Person

M.Sc. Biomedical Sciences Valentina Grossi

Institut für Hygiene und Öffentliche Gesundheit
GeoHealth Centre
Gebäude 64
Venusberg Campus 1
53127 Bonn


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Bijelović S, Grossi V, Shinee E, Schmoll O, Jovanović D, Paunović K, Dragić N, Velicki R (2022): Water, sanitation, and hygiene services in health care facilities in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, Journal of water and health 20 (1): 12–22


Anthonj C, Githinji S, Höser C, Stein A, Blanford J, Grossi V (2021): Kenyan school book knowledge for water, sanitation, hygiene and health education interventions: Disconnect, integration or opportunities?, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 235: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113756


Grossi V, Shinee E, Schmoll O, Kistemann T (2020): Water, sanitation and hygiene in health facilities and how they affect health in European countries, European Journal of Public Health 30(Suppl.5): https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.720


Dodos J, Grossi V, Andronic C, Enkhtsetseg S, Schmoll O (2019): Surveillance of water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: a practical tool, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen

Grossi V, Rechenburg A, Enkhtsetseg S, Schmoll O (2019): Improving health and learning through better water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: an information package for school staff, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen


Grossi V, Klimschak E, Rechenburg A, Shinee E, Schmoll O (2016): The situation of water, sanitation and hygiene in schools in the pan-European region, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen

van Maanen P, Shinee E, Grossi V, Vargha M, Gabriadze N, Schmoll O (2016): Prioritizing pupils’ education, health and well-being, WHO Regional Office Europe, Copenhagen