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26.02.2025 What the Health? Geo Health!

How does our environment affect our health? Why is urban greenery important for our well-being? And what role does water play in our health? These and other exciting questions are at the centre of our science café.

At four themed tables, experts will provide brief insights into the current challenges facing global health: Climate change as a health risk - Prof Dr Carsten Busch Urban greenery and health - PD Dr Timo Falkenberg Antibiotic resistance - a global challenge - Dr Martina Scharlach Water and health - Dr Nicole Zacharias Participants can join in and discuss at their own pace. At the end there will be a joint reflection: What will I take away from the workshop?

Saturday 08.03.2025 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Saturday 08.03.2025 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
